While finding the right career may start with a dream, achieving career success requires a lot more effort and planning. Silah Gulf’s Talent Development Programme is designed to help aspiring career professionals find flexible and accredited Talent Development roadmaps tailored to meet individual career aspirations. At The Silah Training Centre we are confident that we can help you find the professional certification programme that will set you on the path to success.

So why put off your dreams any longer? Let us put you in driver’s seat.

Code Job Title Employment Department Country Apply
(SG/HR/V005-2021)Sales AgentSales AgentOperations (Banking Sector)Kingdom of BahrainDetails
SOM2924Senior Operation ManagerSenior Operation Manager-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
ER2624Employer Relation Specialist “Outreach Specialist” – (HR)Employer Relation Specialist “Outreach Specialist” - (HR)-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
CM2324Case Manager (HR)Case Manager-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
PM2224Project Manager (HR)Project Manager-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
PCS1923Purchasing and Contracts Specialist  Purchasing and Contracts Specialist-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
FRS2023Financial Resources SpecialistFinancial Resources Specialist-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
AES1823Activities and Events SpecialistActivities and Events Specialist-Kingdom of BahrainDetails
SC1223Workforce Management / MISWorkforce Management / MISOperation (Financial Service)Kingdom of BahrainDetails
SC1123Regional Sales CoordinatorRegional Sales CoordinatorOperations (Financial Institution)Kingdom of BahrainDetails

Silah Gulf  is offering a unique opportunity for youth Bahrainis University graduates to receive on-the-job learning experience and development to provide them with invaluable insights, as well as build their professional networks, in a diversified and friendly culture.

It is a 1-year program, which will allow graduates to gain practical work experience and exposure to the type of career options available to them.

The program is designed based on Silah Gulf needs on a yearly basis. The graduates will be selected whenever there is a need arise per industry/account/department.

Application Dates:

Applications are open from July- September every year

    Submit a 1000-word essay (in PDF form) answering the following question:

    “Why should Silah Gulf hire you to be part of the programme?” touching upon following points in the essay: (1) Examples whereby you demonstrated Silah Gulf values (Respect, Passion, Integrity, Innovation and Excellence) (2) Demonstrating outside of the box thinking

    The Internship Program is a 1-3 months training opportunity during summertime.  The programme builds on Silah’s commitment to the training of local talent including Bahrain Youth aiming at building a critical mass of skilled national homegrown workforce that better meets the market and business needs. Our internship program is a terrific way for graduates and undergraduates’ students to learn business skills, gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give Silah Gulf the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent.”

    How do student interns benefit from Silah Gulf Internship Program?

    The Internship program will give you the opportunity to:

    1. Become familiar with the business community and work culture in Bahrain.
    2. Enhance your skills through a structured learning programs
    3. Provide projects that complement academic programs and/or career interests.
    4. Provide adequate, reliable, and regular supervision and mentoring.
    5. Establish a profession network.
    6. Real life experience.

    Rules and Regulations:

    • The application must be submitted one month earlier than required training start date
    • Priority is given to those who have not been trained in Silah Gulf
    • Priority is given for senior students who meet the training requirements. Graduated students request will not be accepted

      Submit a 1000-word essay (in PDF form) answering the following question:

      “Why should Silah Gulf hire you to be part of the programme?” touching upon following points in the essay: (1) Examples whereby you demonstrated Silah Gulf values (Respect, Passion, Integrity, Innovation and Excellence) (2) Demonstrating outside of the box thinking